The Truth: a short story

This is a short story I wrote back in May, and I thought I'd share it with you all! (yes, I realize it's almost been a year since then... agh but HOW is that possible?!) Anyway, I hope you enjoy! <3
The wrinkled skin is just the beginning of the transformation. We just always leave the water too early.
"Mermaids aren't real."
Jess tossed in her bed, whispering the words that had haunted her the past five hours. Mermaids aren't real... mermaids aren't real... she closed her eyes, relaxing her body. She needed rest from swimming earlier that day, so why the troubled sleep?
Annoyed, she sat up in bed.
The cool sheets felt good against Jess's sunburned skin, but she pushed them off anyway. Licking her chapped lips, she blindly felt around in the dark for her lamp, and—finding the switch, turned it on. A moment later, light flooded the room.
"There you are." Jess smiled slightly and grabbed her chap-stick, rubbing a thin layer onto her lips. She sunk back onto her pillows.
Why can't I sleep?
The thought egged her on, causing her to roll over onto her side. Jess and her family were on vacation, and were staying in a rental house practically on the beach. Maybe sleeping away from home was part of the problem, but maybe it was also because...
...the ocean seemed to be calling to her.
Jess sighed, sleep flooding over her. Finally, she felt able to rest. She closed her eyes, ignoring the lamplight that she hadn't bothered turning off. Finally, some sleep.
Go to the ocean.
The thought entered her mind like a bullet, and Jess shot up in bed, breathing hard. Am I okay? She felt her forehead, which was as cool as a cucumber. Frowning, her gaze rested on the window leading out into the moonlit night. The window was open, and the breeze that came in playfully rustled the white lace curtains. She could hear the sound of rippling waves lapping the edge of the sand.
Go to the ocean.
The thought came again, and Jess found it harder to resist. Yup, she definitely needed more sleep. Go outside now? What time even is it? She though, and looked at the clock.
2:13 a.m.
Jess got up and, almost reluctantly, started to shut the window. But the night seemed to call to her. It wasn't temptation, no, but something much, much deeper.
Maybe... maybe I can just step outside then come back in, the girl thought. Eagerly, she managed to climb through the window, then dropped down on the other side.
Her bare toes sunk into the delightfully cool sand, and jess smoothed her white cotton nightgown. The gentle breeze that had rustled the curtains now rolled around her braided hair, which threatened to come undone. The night truly was beautiful, and Jess was a part of it.
Although the ocean was calm, small rippled still touched the sand. Jess walked to the edge of the beach, not knowing why. She felt amazed at the vastness of the sea, especially with the moonlight glinting off it like lamplight on silver.
The water touched Jess's toes, and she shivered with a sudden delight. She suddenly had a strong urge to get into the water.
Cautiously, she dipped a foot in.
The water felt nice, and she waded in till it was up to her knees. Who knew a beach could be so beautiful at night. Jess felt her heart pounding, and she wiggled her toes around in the wet sand. It felt like something bit her leg, and Jess winced and bent down to rub the bite.
She froze.
Her fingers didn't touch skin.
She stumbled backward out of the water, tripping and landing on the soft beach. She stared at her legs. Somehow, they had scales and were starting to turn into a fin.
I'm a mermaid.
The thought struck her, and her eyes widened in disbelief. But mermaids... weren't real.
No. Wrong.
Mermaids were real. Jess was one.
She shivered, staring at her legs. The scales were slowly vanishing. Sudden emotions washed over her, and she put her face in her hands, visibly shaken.
She was a mermaid.
There was no turning back from the truth.
I really liked this story! Short and sweet! <3
That was truly AMAZING! I’ve always wanted a story like that, it’s so perfectly written, you should publish it!
Oooh I like it!! Will we see more of Jess the mermaid?!?!