Sunshine Blogger Award

Recently I received the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thank you, L. E. Levens for nominating me!!
The Rules:
Display the award's official logo somewhere on your blog.
Thank the person who nominated you.
Provide a link to your nominator's blog:
Answer your nominator's questions.
Nominate 11 bloggers.
Ask your nominees 11 questions.
Notify your nominees by commenting on at least one of their blog posts.
The questions:
Which fictional character has influenced you the most over the years?
Ooh, good question! I'm going to have to say Esther. She's not a fictional character, but she was a God-fearing woman, and I admire her for that.
What was the first writing project you can recall about?
My first writing project was a story I wrote when I was in 1st grade, if I remember right. It was about a baby deer who lived in ancient Egypt, and Pharoh had everyone bow down and worship the deer. The deer didn't like that, however, and she and her sister ran away. I think there was also a mountain lion attack? But idkkk lol. Though the premise of the story was about how you should worship God and not idols :)
Who is the biggest supporter you have?
L. E. Levens!
What book of the Bible has influenced you the most?
I love this question! For me, probably Romans. I've been wanting to read through all the books Paul wrote cuz they're sooo good :)
What is one thing you want people to take away from your blog/newsletter?
That yes, young writers can be published, and young writers can change the world. Those two things are very important to me, and I hope to encourage and help other young writers on their path to publication.
Where do you usually like to write?
In my bedroom! More specifically, on my bed or at my desk... XD.
What is your favorite comfort food?
Why is this question so hard 😄 though, its either tacos or cinnamon rolls.
How do you feel about libraries?
Honestly, I have mixed feelings about libraries. As a reader, I love libraries, and the one I go to is one of my favorite places. It's a place to browse and find new books, and hang out with friends. But also, libraries frustrate me. I don't like certain topics they encourage people to read. I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about. So yes, I love libraries, but then again, I have my boundries.
What is your favorite book series of all time (besides Lord of the Rings or Narnia)?
The Green Ember by S. D. Smith! Normally I would say Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, but The Green Ember is a close second.
What fictional character would you say you are the most like?
As an oldest sibling, for me it's Janner from The Wingfeather Saga. I've never met a more relatable character, which is why he's my favorite :) I'm sure all you oldest siblings can relate, lol.
If you could live in any world except our own (Hogwarts, Narnia, Aerwier, Etc) which would you choose?
There are so many fictional worlds I would love to live in, but my first pick is Middle Earth. I love the setting and characters so much!
My Nominees:
Allie Lynn:
Leighton Opperman:
Sophia Coleman:
Lori Scharf:
Ava Hope:
Ruby Miner:
Annabelle Batie:
Adeline Hartmetz:
Aliya Gerow:
Deigan Marie:
My Questions:
What's your favorite book-based movie? (Lord of the Rings, Pride & Prejudice, etc).
Do you have a favorite time of day to write?
What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions?
What's one of your favorite books?
Do you prefer writing by hand or on a computer?
If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be?
How long have you been writing?
Do you prefer writing in 1st person or 3rd person?
Coffee or tea?
Who are your top 3 favorite authors?
What's your favorite thing about blogging?
That was really fun! I can't wait to see everyone else's answers :)
God bless!
eee tysm for spotlighting me Maya!!