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Anthology Release Day!

Remember that poetry anthology I told you about a few months ago? Well, it's been submitted for publication!

In other words, the release date is today!!!

As the Frost Melts will be available on Amazon in (hopefully) a few hours. My anthology team and I have been working on this since April and I can hardly believe it's launch day!!! It's currently being previewed, however, so it might not be out until tomorrow, but it'll definitely be available soon!!

If your curious as to what it's about, it's a poetry collection by eleven young authors, and each poem is beautifully written! Here's the synopsis:

As the frost melts is a poetry collection that embraces the beauty and heartbreak of life, the joy of whimsy, and the intricacy of the written word. Compiled by eleven teenagers with poetry in their hearts and a heart for poetry, the collection explores a wide range of themes through both free-style poetry and traditional structures. From season to season, the poems engage with topics such as the loss of childhood, the preciousness of memories, the beauty of nature, and a poet who drinks hot cocoa like an Englishman. We invite you to journey through past, present, and future, to walk through these pages and the themes herein explored, and watch as the frost melts.

What do you think?

Join us, dear friends, as spring unfolds, and we watch as the frost melts. Poetic, beautiful, and whimsical, this book will take you through the pages of all four seasons.

Your fellow poet and writer,



Jan 21

my face

AHHHH FINALLYYYY!!!! SO PROUD of you Maya!!!! Big day!!! 😍💗

Maya Pawley
Maya Pawley
Jan 23
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Ahhh thanks Asia!! <3


Jan 21

Yay!!! I’ve been waiting for this day to come 😁 (also, with that cover, it’ll definitely hold a place of honor on my shelf 😎)

Maya Pawley
Maya Pawley
Jan 23
Replying to

Thanks Lily!! <33


Jan 21

YAYYYYYYYYY so so excited to own it!!!!!

Maya Pawley
Maya Pawley
Jan 23
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Jan 21

I’m sooo happy for y’all! I can’t wait to read it!😍

Maya Pawley
Maya Pawley
Jan 23
Replying to

Thank you, Lucy! I can't wait for you to read it!



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